On Friday, June 16, following a visit by Anne Kuik (CDA) and Corinne Ellemeet (GroenLinks), Sophie Hermans (VVD), a work visit to us in Eindhoven. During the visit, Sophie Hermans, in conjunction with local VVD members, has introduced the ambitions of Brainport Eindhoven regarding crucial and groundbreaking care and vitality innovations. Co-operative Slimmer Leven, together with the Sports & Technology cluster, presented the National Action Agenda and the ambitions in the area of care and vitality. The Eindhoven University also presented a number of specific initiatives in the region (such as GUIDEmentia) to the Lower House member. After all, there is a lot about care innovation in our region. The work visit took place in the Atelier of the Health Innovation Campus. That immediately gave Sophie Hermans the opportunity to show what's happening in the Maxima Medical Center in the area of care innovation. During the work visit, there was also room for a round table discussion on how the new Lower Brainport House could help to achieve health-related ambitions. As with the previous work visit, it is important to stay in constant contact with The Hague. Something that the Cooperative Smarter Life will continue to do, along with its partners and members.